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Monday, 8 January 2018

Ergh Flu

In the last week and a half, I had to pick up a load of extra shifts at work as someone had pneumonia, followed by me catching something called the Aussie flu.
On the mend now so will resume working on the game, but I got virtually nothing done so behind schedule now :(

Starting working again this evening, but will probably have an early night as I am still quite sleepy.



Zevi here - I'm behind schedule from increased work hours this week (see above), but have managed to fully proofread the sister lust route and the sewers scenes. The opening scenes (up to where you first reach Marketa's house) are almost done as well. Hopefully with Jazzer on the mend now we'll get properly back into the swing of things.

Zevi xoxo


  1. glad to see you two back at it :) love the new design

  2. don't die on us :(

  3. Any chance of a Status update?

  4. Looking forward to the usual update in 2 years.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dead again? Why even bother anymore at this point if you can never even get out of the city. I mean trust me I loved your game over these years but it's just punishment at this point.

  7. Encouraged to see the updates, hope everything works out well for you guys. Love the game and hope to see more. :)
